Thursday, December 24, 2009

Can Progressive-Liberals admit that Obama lied to them? (to Joe Wilson too?)

Liberals Dream : the skilled liberal Politician that 'everyone' believes outwitting Republicans

When Obama promised us that there would be no middle class tax increases the progressive-liberals thought: "This is great. Our Obama can get the voters to believe anything". When Obama said that Abortion and Illegals would not be covered under 'Obama-HealthCare-Reform', Libs thought: "Finally we have a progressive leader that will sign into law what we want while convincing the stupid voters that Democrats are passing what they want". Even now Obama is claiming the Obama-care will reduce the deficit based on phony use of CBO numbers.
When Joe Wilson called Obama a liar during a Presidential address, Libs said: "Republicans will get crucified for challenging our great loved trusted leader".

But he’s not supposed to lie to his own liberal base, just to us

But what happens when Obama tries to use those famous magical deceptive skills AGAINST his own liberal base for pure political reasons? With the Senate's Health Reform bill barely passed by 60 votes and Obama needing any bill to pass he tells the Washington Post that he never campaigned for the public option.
Reference links :
1) Obama said the public option "has become a source of ideological contention between the left and right." But, he added, "I didn't campaign on the public option."
2) Washington Post : "I didn't campaign on the public option,"

I know most of you avoid MSNBC's program Countdown, but on Wednesday 12/23/2009 left wing Lawrence O'Donnell guest hosting aired a great documentary of all the times Obama promised liberals a public health care option. Most of these promises were speeches in front of liberal groups which is very galling for them considering his betrayal. The program started with that clip where Obama told a reporter just this week he never ever campaigned for a public option. A similar analysis of Obama's promises to liberals is written here: Huffington Post:Did Obama Campaign On The Public Option? Yes But Not Entirely. To make matters worse the show also documented where Obama campaigned against the personal health insurance mandate he is supporting now. Obama this week said that the Senate bill historically passed on Christmas Eve with the personal mandated coverage in, and the public insurance option out, meets all his original requirements for Health Care Reform (but we know he will say ANY bill passed to him would do that now.) Progressives were very coldly thrown under the bus by Obama. Highlights from the MSNBC mini-documentary on Obama's public option promises is here:MSNBC (Effectively) Pins Obama Down on Public Option Rhetoric . Senator Joe Lieberman came out last week and said that Obama never even asked him to support a public option, this being really galling to liberals who had been demanding all along Obama and Reid get tough with Lieberman. Lieberman: Obama Never Pressed Me On Public Option

Obama strung his base along for Political reasons

O'Donnell and his guests speculated that Obama, Reid and Pelosi knew all along that the public option couldn't pass the Senate but they needed to keep liberals on board to get their votes in the end compromise,which hasn't come yet. O'Donnell (like myself) had soberly predicted all along , meaning through the summer, that the house liberal's dream of budget reconciliation needing only 50 votes in the Senate was nothing but an empty threat to keep the liberals support. Back last August I called reconciliation 'The empty gun on the table'. Reconciliation is an empty threat: August 19, 2009 by sickoflibs

Personal Mandate sells us to those Evil Greedy Insurance Companies that were the original problem

hat is killing the Libs the most is the personal mandate to buy health insurance policies from the health insurance companies. These are the same health insurance companies that Obama demonized as wanting to kill us for profits, to get liberals fired up much like Moore's movie Sicko did. Did you ever think you would see this day? While conservatives are challenging the constitutionality of the personal insurance mandate: DeMint to force vote on constitutionality of mandate some liberals are also questioning the constitutionality of the personal mandate Democrat Underground : Healthcare Mandate vs. U.S. Constitution and Genius Envy: Ed Schultz Repudiates Ed Schultz (Says Mandatory Insurance Violates "Liberty"!). Check out this progressive-liberal activist who is regular on MSNBC teaming with Grover Norquist to bring down the Senate health reform bill. Top 10 Reasons to Kill the Senate Health Care Bill (liberal Jane Hamsher 12/25/09)

Can liberals finally admit it?

So given such evidence displayed on liberal shows and blogs that Obama's repeated promises to progressive liberals were insincere; and that he used the promises for pure political purposes; can they finally admit that Obama lied to them? Can they admit that Obama is a liar? Can they admit Joe Wilson was right?

Reference links posted above :
Reconciliation is an empty threat: August 19, 2009 by sickoflibs

Lieberman: Obama Never Pressed Me On Public Option said the public option "has become a source of ideological contention between the left and right." But, he added, "I didn't campaign on the public option."

Washington Post : "I didn't campaign on the public option,"

Huffington Post : Did Obama Campaign On The Public Option? Yes But Not Entirely

Genius Envy: Ed Schultz Repudiates Ed Schultz (Says Mandatory Insurance Violates "Liberty"!)

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